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Personal Growth, Mindfulness, Motivation and Inspiration: Bump In The Road

Aug 16, 2023

What a plot! And it’s all true.

Debbie Peterson was urged by friends and neighbors to run for City Council and later for Mayor in Grover Beach, CA. Grover Beach would appear to be a sleepy coastal town. But as Debbie got involved and invoked some common sense (not to mention a forensic audit) it became clear that corruption was rampant.

Debbie’s curiosity sent her down a rabbit hole of kickbacks, lies and outright larceny. Throw in some drugs, an FBI raid and a local history of criminality, suicide, and you have the story of this small town.

Debbie’s book, The Happiest Corruption: Sleaze, Lies, & Suicide in a California Beach Town is available on Amazon.


Coming Soon! The Book. Bump In The Road, Stories of Courage, Hope and Resilience, an inspiring anthology of overcoming life's bumps. Because everyone needs a bit of inspiration.


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